Why Salmon?
Salmon can provide many nutritional benefits for dogs, including:
- Protein: Salmon is a good source of protein, which is important for muscle development, maintenance, and repair.
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids: These healthy fats can support a dog's immune system, heart health, and joint function. They can also help keep a dog's coat shiny and healthy, and may protect against the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays. Omega-3s may also help treat skin diseases like dermatitis and psoriasis. If a dog's diet is deficient in omega-3s, it can lead to neurologic abnormalities and vision problems.
Vitamins and minerals: Salmon contains vitamins and minerals like B vitamins, potassium, and selenium.
Cognitive function:The DHA in salmon oil can improve cognitive function, which can be especially beneficial for older dogs who may be experiencing cognitive decline
Why Butternut Squash?
Butternut squash can be a healthy addition to your dog's diet because it contains many nutrients that can support their overall health:
- Fiber: Helps with digestion, weight management, and upset stomachs
- Vitamin A: Boosts the immune system, improves vision, and promotes strong muscles
- Vitamin C: Supports the immune system, helps with healing, and strengthens joints
- Potassium and manganese: Important for healthy blood, enzymes, and metabolism
- Antioxidants: Fight off free radicals and keep the body healthy
- Hydration: More than four-fifths water, making it a hydrating treat
Why Chickpea Flour?
Chickpeas are legumes that are generally low on the allergy scale for dogs, and chickpea flour can be a good substitute for wheat flour for dogs with wheat allergies. Chickpeas are also easy to digest and can add protein and fiber to a dog's diet. Chickpea flour can also provide other nutrients, such as calcium, magnesium, folate, vitamin B6, potassium, and selenium. Chickpeas also contain lecithin and vitamins A, B, and C, and the fiber in them can help keep dogs regular. Chickpea flour has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help dogs with digestive tract issues.
Why Coconut Flour?
Coconut flour can be a good choice for dogs because it's high in fiber and plant-based protein, and it's gluten-free. It also contains vitamins B6 and C, calcium, potassium, and lauric acid, which can help strengthen the immune system and large intestine.